Boston Bob
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Expert Plays for Tuesday February 18th, 2025
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Boston Bob - 4/229


Boston Bob is excited about the coming USFL season. He believes he has the unique dinstinction to having inside connections to the leagues personnell ratings during the draft evaluations that will aide him in his handicapping...especially the first several weeks until Vegas catches up. It will be interesting to see how Boston Bob does.


Boston Bob is fast becoming a powerful force in the world of handicapping.His success in basketball has been well documented and now he is in emerging also onto the football sceen. Do not ignore him when you are planning your 2022 football futures. Nobody has more connections and nobody will out smart him. He is in a nice spot. If he was a horse I would bet on him. I have a feeling he will break out of the gate in football with a huge start. Just a hunch. If nothing else watch him closely.


Boston Bob after six NFL seasons of  handicapping football is plus 320 units. He has four winning season (2016) (2018) (2019) (2021) . In his rookie season (2016) he captured 302 units. Season two and five  (2017) and (2020) saw him lose overall a total of 75 units. Boston Bob knows he needs to win in 2022 to maintain his backers confidence.  He has won both regular seasons in college but it was the NFL and college bowl games that derailed him in 2017. 

Boston Bob believes 2022 is a critical season for his football futures. Quoting BB: " 2017 after my wonderful 2016  set our football futures back a stride or two.  I do not want to endanger my success in basketball by losing money for my client base in football. If 2022 is not a productive season look for our team to return exclusively to what has made us our bread and butter (BASKETBALL) . BB has had four successful  college football regular seasons. Last year (2021) was ugly. BB went (15-23) in the regular campaign and (4-6) in post season play.  In 2016 he went (48-28) plus 153 units and (9-5) in the bowls plus 42.60 more profits. In 2017 (34-25) +68 units but (4-10) in post season play dropping 70.00 units and an overall 2 unit negative. His p result.  2018 was a solid (26-19) and (6-4)  producing an overall plus 67 units. In 2019 (22-14) and (7-4) produced 92 plus units. In 2020 (24-17) and (4-3) won 60 units. The disappointing 2021 lost 129 units. BB has never experienced back to back losing seasons so expect a solid effort from BB in 2022 in college and the NFL..

He qualified to do football in 2015 by going (34-18) in college. Top Plays (17-9) in college  and (18-9) in the NFL. In 2016, his first official year as a football handicapper at, he went a combined +302 units in NCAA/NFL football (+190 NCAA, +112 NFL).  In 2017 he was only a combined 38-35 in college and 37-35 in the NFL losing a combined total for both sports 27 units.

If clients can show patience by alternating between the plus 302 seasons and minus 73 unit seasons in NFL/NCAA  things should  continue to work out well for Boston Bob.  Obviously the bottom line is winning but if the bad years only lose 1/3 of what the  good years produce the future is bright for the consisitent player who has patience and understands that it is gambling and there is NEVER a sure thing. Boston Bob likes to say yesterday's winners set the stage for tomorrow's success but you have to do the work and also get a few breaks to keep that winning formula intact. THESWAMI.COM believes Boston Bob has demonstrated he is worthy of being called one of its finest sports handicappers that it offers to its client base.. 





Boston Bob has had great success in baseball. His best months have been May and September. He has never had a losing week in neither month. He actually has had only four losing months out of 21 months coming into the 2012 season. He has lost in April twice, July and August once each.
In just three baseball seasons Boston Bob has won over 500 units.
His excellent documented 2010-2011 season saw him go (19-5) on Top Plays and finish with 204 units in the positive.
His overall lifetime regular season Top Play mark of (51-23) with an average lay price of $100 to return $118..that is very impressive folks.
Last season he released and hit 60% on his dog releases.

NBA BIG PLAYS: GOY/GOM/GOW during Playoffs:(39-6...that is not a typo. Staggering is the only word to describe his performance.
NBA MAY-JUNE DOMINATED....Between 2009 and 2012 he ran off 13 straight winning weeks during the month of May. Follow his releases in May and early June...Better yet sign up for his May-June package. If he does not win money the final 6 weeks of the NBA PLAYOFFS I will be shocked. At least try his plays for a week...I have a feeling you will not regret it. Many people will tell you BB's strength is in college hoops many clients say. Since joining us in 2003-2004 he has produced 6 out of 7 winning seasons. In 2005 he had the season that has since defined excellence in handicapping. (46-16) in regular season action and (12-6) in post season play.
He also has clients who believe his NBA plays are also excellent. In that famous 2005 year he went (43-18) in NBA to complete what many say was the finest handicapping season in any sport by any handicapper. That season he had the largest client base for monthly clients that we have ever had. I am sure many bookmakers still recall his run. I know his clients do. His NBA Playoff Games of the Year are a lifetime (9-2) and his Playoff GOM are a staggering (18-3). He is (6-1) on side plays and (3-1) on Total GOY during playoffs. He is also a remarkable (13-2) since 2007 on GOW in NCAA action thru 2013.
An excellent Top Play mark of (54-25) with an average lay price of a $100 to win back $118. That breaksdown to better than 73% in the gambling world of risk and reward. 3 straight documented winning baseball seasons.
He has never attempted to handicap football. However in 2012 he will enter that arena. In 2010 he did a trial run and went (14-6) on 20 spot Top Plays he included to his baseball full season clients. Again in 2011 to all of his full season paid clients (April thru October) he is doing this. Currently (6-1) on his spot Top Plays. So it looks like a promising future in 2012 for football for us all.

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