Mr. Pockets
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Expert Plays for Saturday July 27th, 2024
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  • +372 units in 2018 MLB
  • 84-57 on all 2018 MLB Plays
  • 2019 UPDATE:
  • MR POCKETS  He likes to gradually work hiis way into the season. He has often been very conservative on his approach. It is important to note that he will again this season  release plays at various time frames. He encourages clients to again enroll in his weekly or monthly segemnts rather than purchase plays one at a time.  He will again offer a Post All-Star break (2ND HALF SEASONAL PACKAGE) option for those who wish to commit to a longer segment. Those who wish to pay as you go may find it frustrating to follow him as he will occasionaly add plays in the evenings, Plays will always be posted at least 60 or minutes before the scheduled starting time of his play. If you are a weekly or monthly member you will  automatically receive Mr Pocket's  plays as they are posted at 
  • If ever there was a low key intelligent baseball handicapper MR POCKETS would certainly fit the bill. Trust me when I tell you you will never find a more knowledgeable source for baseball stats or information on this planet. This guy when 3 years old taught himself to read by using his older brother's baseball cards. The interest and joy in the sports continues today. Since 2003 he has been with His most amazing accomplish to date is his fantastic (47-11)  record on Big Plays (SPECIALITY PLAYS: Games of the WEEK/MONTH/YEAR.) Lifetime Marks: Games of the Year (2-0)...Games of the Month (10-0)...Games of the Week (35-11) thru 2017.

A Penn State and Temple grad he is a successful businessman when he is not handicapping baseball. Mr Pockets has been handicapping baseball since he was 19 years old with Look for this MLB mind to prove his weight in gold if you follow him on a monthly or seasonal basis. He passes often and never forces a play.
Thru 2017 he is a lifetime (2-0) on his GOY. (10-0) on his GOM and  (35-11) on his MLB Total GOW plays. That folks adds up to a brillant (47-11).

OLDIES BUT GOODIES - Past Historical Data and Old Headlines

Editor's Note:

In 2018 Mr Pockets will be much more of a daily handicapper. Previously he used a spot play approach that he believed would yield a higher win percentage. He believes his data base now is solid enough to attack the game on a more regular basis. His Top Plays have always been excellent as his return on risk on Top Plays has been nearly 30 percent. That is a fabulous stat if you understand line value and risk.

2019 marks his 17th season capping baseball. If you exclude 2014 thru 2016 you can see Mr P has shown consistent results. 2018 was a very important season for him. He is pleased with his success from 2018, but knows that know if he can spend the amount of time required to win with a great number of plays. He prefers to be a spot handicapper because he can look ahead for days and not have to grind out winners on a daily basis. Follow him closely in 2019 and if he shows signs of previous success he may he just the guy to make your season. In a recent interview he offered no excuses for his 3 year stretch where he struggled. He did say he believes he has learned from his defeats and believes he is a better handicapper today because of his losing seasons between 2014 and 2016. If you talk to professionals in almost any field often the most successful are ones who were not always successful. The ones who adjusted and made changes as they learned  grew the most. I hope someday I will be able to reflect back on my career and say that also. One thing is for sure I love baseball and I am not going to stop handicapping it. It has always been in my blood.

Prior to 2011 Mr Pockets rated his selections only 1 for regular and 2 for Top. Currently is follows's ratings of 1 thru 9 regular and 10 a Top play. 



2017  Regular (26-25) +26.10

2017 Post  (1-1)  -1.50

2016 Regular (18-25) -41.22

2016 Post  (1-0)  +8.00

2015 Regular (32-36) -38.94

2015 Post (1-2) -14.00

2014 Regular (52-67) -106.7

2014 Post  (0-0)

2013  Regular (73-49) +124.39

2013 Post (3-3) +2,75

2012 Regular (124-97) +80.11
2012 Post (4-3) + 5.65
2011 Regular (66-55) +29.64
2011 Post (1-1) -00.10
2010 Regular (61-58) -10.70
2010 Post (3-4) -3.50
2009 Regular (62-43) +22.00
2009 Post (8-6) + 3.40
2008 Regular (95-69) +29.20
2008 Post (6-6) -1.00
2007 Regular (94-102) -21.70
2007 Post (6-0) +6.60
2006 Regular (115-98) +10.10
2006 Post (9-5) +5.00
2005 Regular (124-96)+50.00
2005 Post (7-6) +1.50
2004 Regular (85-71) +12.20
2004 Post (2-2) -1.40
2003 Regular (25-15) +22.30
2003 Post (1-1) +0.80

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