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Side Action Sports - Updated 7/19


In 2018-19 will be SIDE ACTION SPORTS' first full season with THESWAMI.COM in college football. After two seasons with late season spot plays Robert Weaver and his staff believe they are ready to embark upon a full season of handicapping.

Quoting Weaver: "We will start out in late August or early September and we will see how things go. SAS will have all summer to prepare for the season so I would imagine we will offer 4 to 6 plays right out of the box. If successful we will try to keep that pace their the early non conference games. Once conference play begins I know we will drop back our number of selections to 2 or 3 a week as we believe the lines will be sharper by than. We will only handicap college football until we reach the playoffs. Once into the post season for the NFL and College we plan to do both. Personally we have never been able to hit better than 50% in the NFL regular season for our private clients and see no reason to spend all the time and energy capping th NFL would take. We love the post season in football.  In our two seasons with THESWAMI.COM we have won units for our backers each time.  It is because of our limited success the past two seasons in football that we are venturing out and attempting to handicap a full season of college football. In 2016 and 2017"

  SAS  offered a limited number of plays at between 2016 and 2018. During that period SAS went (20-11) in college football and a perfect (9-0) in the NFL.  Developing a growng loyal client base on their spot plays they will be in 2018-2019 handicapping colleg football on a full time basis.  SAS plans to begin during the first week of the season. Doing only college football until post season play begins. They will offer both individual college and NFL post season packages. 

 SAS Historical Records with



  • 35-22 +101 units 
  • 1-0 on GOY play - LA Rams 1/12/19

                                       Top     Overall    Units

2017-2018  Preseason  (0-0)      (0-0)         -0-

2017-2018  Regular      (0-0)       (0-0)        -0-

2017-2018  Post           (4-0)       (4-0)       +40.0

2016-2017  Preseason (0-0)       (0-0)         -0-

2016-2017  Regular      (0-0)       (0-0)        -0-

2016-2017  Post           (5-0)       (5-0)        +50.0      



  • 48-24 +188 units 
  • 68-35 +275 units over past 3 years

2017-2018   Regular     (4-2)       (5-3)     +15.0

2017-2018   Post           (3-1)       (4-3)     + 9.6

2016-2017   Regular     (3-2)       (3-2)      +14.0

2016-2017   Post          (8-3)        (8-3)      +47.0


____________________                     _______________BASKETBALL____________________________________________

SIDE ACTION SPORTS in the past has focused on the NBA during basketball season and has normally only handicapped college baskets during the post season. In 2017-18 SAS offered programs in both NBA and College baskets and had an outstanding season. SAS won 574 overall in baskets. NBA 242 and NCAA 332. In college it was (77-41) and NBA (56-29).  The season was extremely successful however the hard work and stress took its toll on Weaver.

Quoting Weaver: "Going from a client base of less than ten to many times that was exciting but also very stressful. I felt a lot of pressure to perform. I do not know if I can handle another year like that if I would not do well. That is what makes me reluctant to do both college football and college baskets. Everyone plays football and the volume of interest is much greater than any other sport.  I want to perform well in football in 2018-2019 and have the success ithat I did in baskets this past season. Basketball is every day and it takes its toll on you. I perfer to handicap football simply because it is not as grulling. I want to be honest with my followers. I want them to understand me. I expect to win and have personally always done well. But handicapping for yourself is 10 times easier than doing for others. I can deal with the ups and downs that this business offers but I wonder about others. My brother use to play my games in college and while I would win a few bucks and he would lose on the same picks. That is the type of thing that concerns me in this industry. I have been on a nice run since joining THESWAMI.COM but I am not always this good. I know I should be bragging and saying I am th BEST, but I am too smart to think that. Just like coaching it is what have you done for me this year that counts. Last season is old news and nobody knows that better than me. Trust me on that. I coached for almost 10 years. Putting all of this a side I am excited about the coming seasons and trust my instincts and data will forge SAS to a new level of success.


  • +824 units last 5 seasons at
  • 5 of 5 winning NBA seasons
  •  +242 units in 2017-2018_____+188 units in 20162017______ +71 units in 20152-16_____ +172 units in 2014-2015____ +151 units in 2013.
  • +824 units on NBA Sides (242-139 - 63%) 

SIDE Action Sports (SAS) will again do the NBA  and the Playoffs in 2018-19. 


Side Action Sports (SAS) will again be joining during the month of March 2019 for THE BIG DANCE.
Since becoming affiliated with THESWAMI.COM SIDE ACTION SPORTS has produced winning seasons in each of its BIG DANCE stands. Coming into 2018-19  SAS has had 5 straight winning post seasons with an overall mark of (87-55) a solid 60%. on its plays, which all are SIDE selections. No totals. Side action Sports flourishes during the March Big Dance sessions and we look for them to again do well during this crunch time.
Expect another solid effort in 2018-2019 in NBA and 2019 during March Madness.

In 2017-2018 SAS handicapped NCAA basketball for the entire season. SAS sent (55-25) on its Top Plays and finished overall (56-30) plus 243.5 units during the regular season. In post season play SAS added more winners as it went (21-11) all Top Plays winning 89 more units.

Because it will be handicappin college football in 2018-2019 will not not be handicapping College basketball until after the NCAA FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME in early January.  Based upon how well SAS does in its first full season of college football will determine if and when it begins college baskets. Historically it has only analyzed the post season in college baskets, with the exception of last season. 


Headed by Bob Weaver, this Florida based sports service initally set out to only evaluate College basketball and College football at In 2015  he partnered with Taylor Banks, an outstanding NBA source of information, so look for SIDE ACTION SPORTS to do wel in the coming up NBA PLAYOFFS too.. Using a computer model that he has developed over the last ten years, Weaver will show off his ability to predict winners in the college ranks and will allow Banks to exclusively handle the NBA.
SAS qualified to become a handicapper several years ago. In 2012-13 they only released 10 plays (5-4-1) between December 1st and January 31st. Once they reached February the number of plays increased dramatically and also with that their success. In February 2013 they released 42 selections. They have released conference tournament plays in the past and have done well. However in 2015-16 they expect only to be involved with the time frame covering THE BIG DANCE. 2016. Extra plays in previous early March selections they had only 24 plays, but their numbers were impressive again (15-8-1). Overall in 2012-2013 SIDE ACTION SPORTS went (48-26-1). 95% of all their plays were rated as 10 unit selections. Look for that trend to continue in the coming months..

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