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Expert Plays for Tuesday February 18th, 2025
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ACTION JACKSON (last updated 11/19)

Excellent NBA handicapper who also has an impressive lifetime NCAA basketball Speciality Play record.

Who said you can not teach an Old Dog new tricks? Action Jackson had been a bookmaker for more than 25 years. However a few years ago he got hammered by a big outfit and he stopped booking. Well he is back in the sports world but this time on the other side of the fence. He is proving to us that he has made the transition to sports handicapper very well. He has been profitable in virtually EVERY aspect of college and pro football.

AJ provides an exciting basketball season each year for his backers. His has now been a winner  11 out of his last 12 NBA regular seasons. Depending on how his plays are going he can be aggressive and he can be cold and calculated when he needs to be. THat is what gives him the tremendous advantage in the NBA.  
If 55 to 60% winners are good for you, then this is the man you want. Action 5 out of 7 days a week with 11 winning seasons out of 12 equals lots of action and profits for his loyal supporters. He is proud of his long winning history and he wants to add to it in 2019-2020. Playing just $200 a play since 2008 you would be up over $35,000. No matter how much you play that equals alot of profittable NBA campaigns.

NBA Games of the Month are (28-12) lifetime through 2018-19. NBA Games of the Year released during the regular season are (10-6) and NBA GOY released during the Playoffs are an outstanding (9-3) for an overall mark of (19-10) thru  Playoffs.

NCAA Games of the Month are (24-9) through 2018-2019. NCAA Games of the Year are (25-13) overall thru 2018-19.
I usually release one to two plays a day...often 2 to 3 a day on weekdays.  In 2019-20 I may go crazy the first few days.
Do not be surprised that on Saturdays I am very consverative. I usually have only 1 play dispite the huge card. I Believe many gamblers andhandicappers release and play way too many plays on Saturday. I he feel it is the toughest card to beat. It is day that many squares love to play. When I was a book I just sat back to opened my pockets. For every smart play someone made their were three dumb ones.
"I am not sure why but I have never really had much success on Saturday as a handicapper in NCAA hoops. I have had a few 0-4 or 0-5 Saturdays in my past and I still recall them I guess."
I often feel rushed on the weekends and do not have the prep time to prepare for play, as I do during the week. That probably goes back to my younger days when all I did was answer the phone. Also I do not like the early hours. I stay up late and get up late. That does not work well for college hoops on the weeeknds.
 College basketball begins ( NOVEMBER 5) Action Jackson will not be dealing with football and will be focusing only on baskets. That should prove to be an advantage for all as he normally had both in action early on when hoops started..  .. Here is hoping he can again produce for his loyal followers on the court.
THESWAMI.COM RATING ANALYSIS: B+....Normally quality out performs quantity in the world of sports gaming. However in Action Jackson's case he defies probability and the laws of math. His success is well noted and as long as he keeps working hard and keeps his inside contacts he along with his followers should maintain their positive results in all sports. Clients need deep pockets and patience. Not reccommended for the weak of heart.

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