+430 units in combined 2018 MLB
+468 units on 2017-2018 MLB Reg Season Plays
+520 units in first 2 MLB Seasons at TheSwami.com
12-5 on all GOW plays last 2 years
Rod Stickler, nicknamed STICK, joined theswami.com for exclusively baseball as a handicapper in the latter part of May 2017. STICK demonstrated a solid understanding of the game by producing 20 net winners with a record of just above 55%. He want (45-35) on his MLB plays last season during his trial. He averaged +125 on his plays which returned a profit for his 80 selections of 20.45 units. He had a majority of totals and dog plays, but he also had a few big chalk plays mixed in. He was especially effective during the month of August where he went (10-1) and won 67 units, which was over half of his units he earned for the season.
Rod played college baseball (DIV 2) and just retired from coaching high school baseball for 15 seasons. He definitely knows the game on the field and now he hopes to show that he knows the game on paper.
If he follows his same MO as he did during his trial session with theswami.com in 2016 he will pass often..
Quoting STICK, "I try to stick to a game plan. I identify certain positive and negative things in pitchers. When I am able to match up a pitcher in a what I call a (DOUBLE PLUS) situation I go with that team and pitcher. The reverse would also be true. Usually for some reason my (DOUBLE PLUS) situations are dogs, which to me is always surprising." I will use an imaginary bankroll. If I drop 100 units in the negative I will discontinue handicapping baseball for the season. When I started betting on baseball 12 years ago I always had a set bankroll. I never played more than 5% of my bankroll. So I always felt I needed to have a bankroll 20 times more than my largest wager. If I lost 50% of my stash I would stop and reasses. I believe I have an edge over the books. I can play or not pay. That in itself is huge. I have learned that timing is a key. The game can be streaky and it seems when I am winning I hit all the extra inning games and my teams rally late to win and when it is going South the opposite happens, so I know there is a luck factor built into this too. My dad was an excellent poker player and he taught me to always have something left and never go for broke unless you have no chance to win and it is your only opportunity to salvage the situation.
I have had seasons early on where I lost money betting baseball because he went to hard too early and ran out of cash. I believe now I am the wiser and I play with control and patience. When my emotions get involved with my handicapping and betting I stop until I can regroup. I am sharing all of this with my potential new clients at theswami.com because I feel it is important to lay everything on the table. You do not know me and I do not now you. The only thing I can tell you is that I am playing the same games you are receiving and I work every hard at what I do. Mr Wagner has been me this opportunity and I do not want to blow it. I could have started with theswami.com 5 years ago, but waited until my high school coaching days were behind me. Now it is just me and Ghost, my 3 year old white wolf hound and baseball this summer.