Bo's Cager/Diamond Line
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Bo's Cager/Diamond Line - Updated 3/19


As good as hoops have been for us, Baseball is definitely our favorite season of all. Over the past 8 seasons at we have amassed a war chest for our clients of +1348 units. We are very proud to be the #1 MLB Net Unit winner over that time period at Over the past four seasons alone, we have won in excess of +1007 units. Of all the major sports, we love baseball because it allows for the greatest opportunity to capture value. We focus mainly on side plays and scour each day's card for mispriced teams. Here are some of our recent highlights:

  • +1348 units over past 8 baseball seasons
  • +1007 units over past 4 seasons
  • +1184 units on regular season plays last 8 years
  • +163 units on postseason plays last 8 years 
  • +190 units on 2017 MLB plays
  • +438 units on 2016 MLB plays
  • +323 units on 2015 MLB plays


  • +479 units in NBA last 6 years
  • 5 of 6 winning NBA seasons
  • +447 units in NBA Reg Season last 6 years
  • +332 units on NBA totals last 6 years

I've been making picks with since 2003. My lifetime record coming into the 2018-2019 regular season on my NBA Games of the Week, Month and Years is (153-68 ATS). (4-1) the past four seasons on GOM and GOY releases. NBA Games of the Week (27-10 ATS) on my last 37 thru 2017-18.

A number of years ago, I made a prediction on this bio that I would win 200 units for my clients in 2012-13. We hit that goal and then some winning a total of 270 total units in Regular and Post season College Basketball. I followed that up in 2013-14 with a +209 unit regular season and a combined +182 unit combined regular/post season College Basketball season. Over the past two years, my clients have been up over 450 total units on college basketball selections. Since my retirement from teaching/reffing duties, I have been able to devote 100% of my energy to this game I love so much. I expect a replication of the past two years results during this basketball season.
I have posted 5 of 5 winning basketball seasons for my clients and look forward to the opportunity to repeat that again this season.



Since 2012-13 we have won 910 units in NCAA baskets at In regular season action (+600) unitys and post season play (+310) units. Our year to year breakdowns are listed below.

We went (16-0) in post season  NCAA play in 2017-18.

We are currently on a (6-0) run on our  Games of the Year releases and own a  (18-6) lifetime on NCAA Games of the Year releases at in NCAA action.

Recent 6 Season Past History in NCAA Baskets:     (2012 to thru April 2018)


Regular season: (33-22) +79 units

Post season  (16-0) +154 units.


Regular season: (55-44)  +66 units

Post season  (22-18)  +22 units


Regular season: (55-32)  +199 units

Post season  (17-17) -17 units


Regular season:  (45-51) -104 units

Post season (22-12) +89 units


Regular season: (68-41) +209 units

Post season (13-14) -27 units


Regular season:  (62-38) +191 units

Post season  (21-11) +89 units.

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