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Pro Elite - 7-18-2021


 Pro Elites, Sammy Tolbert, is a work in progress. He is smart and a dedicated hard worker. All that said he still is searching for the right combo of information and style that will fit his handicapping abilities. In 2021 he was selective and accurate as he compiled an impressive (74-41) overall MLB win-loss mark from Post All-Star break thru the World Series. In 2022 Tolbert changed gears and jumped right into the MLB season in April. Applying some added stats and handicapping methods he struggled and never really gained any momentum finishing minus 111 units overall with a record of 124-115.

Entering the MLB 2023 Tolbert has alerted his approach again. He  definitely attempted to be more selective. but once he got "HOT" he went wild and had a great MLB season. Tolbert has eliminated 3 variables that he added in 2022 and is basically using the exact approach he used in 2021 with one difference. He will begin handicapping right from the start of the season. He looks to have about 3 to 5 plays a week over the course of the season.   7 months or 28-30 weeks of baseball should produce about no more than 200 plays.  He still plans to have a variety of ratings ranging from 5 units to 10 because of line variances and strengths of plays. If the line is 250 and it qualifies as an official play for me I am not going to ignore it but at the same time I am not going to risk losing 2 1/2 games on a potential loser. No play is worth that risk.


Sammy was geared up to begin in 2020 but COVID put a wrench into his plans. He qualified to make the MLB sceen with a solid (56-32) overall performance in 2019. Top Plays were solid at (32-18) with an average lay price of 115.  Struggled on totals going 7-16 overall but side plays were "HOT" with a 49-16 mark overall. Games of the Week were (7-3) Games of the Month were (5-2) with no Games of the Year. Tolbert did not handicap baseball until after the ALL STAR break in 2019.

Editor's Note: Tolbert will begin 2023 in April. . He is confident the changes he has made from his mistakes in 2022 will result in an outcome of 2023 similar to his rookie season with THESWAMI.COM. Time will tell but one thing is for certain nobody in the industry will be working any harder than Tolbert....nobody. Effort does not always guarantee success but it goes a long way towards preventing failure..



The pro ranks in football is where Sammy Tolbert gained his fame early on. He joined in 2015 and has flourished in the NFL. 

Entering 2021-2022 he had put together 6 consecutive winning NFL regular seasons and for the 6 seasons overall counting pre/post and regular season results winning  over 600 units.. That in its self is accomplishment as the NFL has been often the most difficult sport for many professionals to attain any kind of consistent form for success.

NFL                           PRE                                    REGULAR                                                  POST                                   OVERALL

2022-2023       8-2  9-3  plus 57 units           27-19  33-24  plus   65 units                         1-7    1-7  minus  67 units    (43-34)   + 55 units 

2021-2022       6-4    6-5    plus 8 units         23-43  23-47  minus 267 units                       6-1    6-1  plus   49 units     (35-53)    - 210 units

2020-2021        Covid (Cancelled)                38-20  40-23  plus 149 units                          2-4    5-4   minus   3  units    (45-27)   + 146 units

2019-2020     12-4    13-4    plus 81 units     37-18  41-19  plus 195 units                          1-4     2-5    minus  44 units   (56-28)   +  232 units 

2018-2019      6-6      6-6   minus 6 units      30-28  40-31  plus 44 units                            5-4    5-4    plus 6 units         (51-41)   +   44 units

2017-2018      4-5     4-7   minus 31 units      26-21  28-21  plus 45 units                          2-5     2-5   minus 35 units     (34-32)   -   21 units

2016-2017              passed                           25-19   29-22  plus  41 units                          5-1    5-1    plus   39  units    (34-23)   +  80 units

2015-2016              passed                           24-14   28-15  plus   106 units                       4-1    8-2    plus    49 units    (36-17)   + 155 units


TOTAL     36-21    38-25  plus 121 units      268-180   262-1202  plus  378 units               26-28  -27-30  minus  12 units     (+485) units)




Since releasing their first NCAA BB play back in 2017 PRO ELITE has captured over 480 so they head into the 2023-24 NCAA season.

The Good, Bad and Ugly. In 2022-2023 PRO ELITE had its finest hour during the 4 months of regular season college football. They went (6-1) on their Games of the Year and were (45-19) overall during the regular season play to finish up #1 by several monitoring services. Heading into the bowl games where they had been "SUPER SUCCESSFUL" in the past they laid a "HUGE EGG" going 0-7. They obviously lost their bowl game of the year in that mix. Still despite the disastrous bowl performance  they finished their overall season at 64% (45-26) and plus 157 units. 


                 REGULAR SEASON                                                                 BOWL SEASON

2022-2023   41-18     45-19   +230 units                                                   0-7   0-7  -77 units

2021-2022    35-35    35-36    -43 units                                                     3-2   6-3  +24 units

2020-2021    38-24    41-25    +131.5 units                                                6-0  6-0  +60 units

2021-2020    28-18    33-21   +89 units                                                     4-2  6-3  + 25  units

2018-2019             passed                                                                        3-0  5-0   + 45  units

2017-2018            passed                                                                         0-0  1-0   +   8 units


OVERALL  142-95    154-101   +403   units                16-11   24-13   + 85 units            


COLLEGE BASKETS________________________________________________________________________________________

                                   REGULAR SEASON                                                                                       POST SEASON                  OVERALL

2020-2021                 39-25  40-25   +124 units                                                                    22-10  22-10  +110 units     62-35 +234 units                                                                      OVERALL

2019-2020                29-23   29-23   +37 units                                                                        2-0    2-0     + 20  units     31-23  + 57 units

2018-2019               29-12    29-12   + 158 units                                                                    7-16   8-16    - 99 units      37-28  + 59 units

New horizons for Pro Elite began in 2018-19.  Sammy Tolbert is now exploring  the world of college and professional basketball. It all began in January 2019. A majority of his college releases to fall on the weekends. He qualified to add baskets to his logs by completing in 2018-19 on a mini hoop test that put him at (44-26) in college and (16-9) in NBA. So do not be surprised if he dazzles us on the years to come.

Sammy Tolbert of Pro Elite has completed 6 out of 6 winning reg seasons of NFL Football at . Tolbert's opening 6 years were been impressive. He came out of the box in 2015 with a 36-16 +155 unit performance and came back in 2016 with a 34-23 +80 unit year. That makes a combined 2 year record of 70-39 (64%) +235 units.

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